Thursday 2 January 2014

First Photographs

These are a few of the photos that I had taken on my iPhone 5. I narrowed them down to my favourite 15 and from here I wish to pick the ones that I think will benefit my magazine very well.  The photos consist of different locations and all sorts of various poses. Most of the poses are very natural, for instance, either leaning against a wall with the arms just down by the side or facing slightly towards the back with the head facing the front, both poses also with a blank, neutral facial expression. These simple and plain poses and facial expressions create a calm atmosphere for the reader as neither is the image very in-your-face or off putting. To pursue this look, I requested the model wore something very plain and not colourful, so therefore resulted in the model wearing black shorts, a white and black baseball top and in some cases red lipstick and a red bandana to add a slight bit of colour.

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