Thursday 2 January 2014

Audience Pleasures and Socio-economic Group

Audience pleasures carefully look the type of audience so focusing on age, gender, lifestyle, interests, socio-economic group and ethnicity of people. Audience pleasures are what fulfil the audiences needs, therefore what the audience look for in how the magazine is presented. On the other hand it is also how the audience spend their free time and what their hobbies are, for instance if they like to go to concerts and gigs. Also, it is what the magazine thinks the audience wants, for example, if they like concerts and gigs, there could be a short advertisement offering free tickets to a concert. 

It is important to convince my target audience that they want the magazine is simply because I will want them to buy it. However, when it comes to magazine they do 'judge the book by it's cover'. After concisely taken in and focussed on the age, gender, lifestyle, interests, socio-economic group and ethnicity of my target audience I can start to take into consideration what needs to be on my magazine to engage the reader. For instance, if they like to go to concerts then I will include advertisements for competitions to win tickets to see their favourite artist/band live.

These are some of the techniques magazines include to persuade you to buy them;
-Who's on the front cover - celebrity - are they well known?
-Freebies (CD, downloads, posters, competitions)
-Information (tour dates, interviews)
-How does it look - it's features
-Specific language - how the magazine speaks to the reader (personal pronouns...)
-Colloquial - your own - slang
-Semantic field of music
-humour entertainment

These are some of the important elements to focus on whilst producing my magazine as I want to fulfil my target audiences needs, by proceeding this I will need to take into consideration these different techniques to make sure theres a wide range of different parts to look at that will engage the audience. 

The socio-aconomic group is how different people are categorised depending on their income and occupation. For instance;

Upper middle class   A   - landed gentry, a business owner, chef, archbishops...

Middle class    B    - professional working people; heads and teachers, high up army...

Lower middle class   C1    - professional admin workers, junior managers, supervisors...

Skilled working class    C2    - plumber, carpenter, mechanic...

Working class    D    - unskilled worker...

Subsistence level     E    - Unemployed and students...

However, I strongly disagree with how and where people have been ranked depending on their occupation and income. I feel that there are many more people that should be put in the upper middle class who perhaps don't earn as much as people like business owners, but do a lot more for the country, people like soldiers fighting for their lives in the army. On the other hand, I also think that people in the skilled working class category should most definitely be higher up, as without plumbers, carpenters and mechanics we would all struggle in life because there wouldn't be anyone there to help. Another argument is about the business owners being at the top, earning a lot more than others. The 'others' may be people such as the people who work for that business, these people are working much harder yet earning no where near as much as the business owner. I feel that this is selfish as overall, I don't think it's fair for people to be seen as 'better' than others as categorising people defeats the idea of living in an equal world.

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