Friday, 3 January 2014

Risk Assessment For All Photos

I have created a rick assessment to prevent any hazards happening that could affect either myself or the model. There are two risks that I have found a way of getting round and solving them. I will not pursue the photo shoot with any risks so by preventing them causing hazards, I can now carry on and take the photos to then go on to produce my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Risk 1...

Risk - Myself and the model

Hazard - The hazard is the weather due to the photo shoot being outside. The reason why the weather is a risk hazard is due to it being very wet and cold recently. I don't want to take photos of the model when we could easily slip and injure ourselves. 

How I will solve this hazard - to solve this hazard I will make sure that I take my photos on a day where the weather is not too bad, so it is not raining, windy or too cold to be outside. By preventing this hazard I am also preventing any injuries that could have taken place.

Rick 2...

Rick - The model

Hazard - This risk is similar to the first risk as it involves just the model not me this time, and the weather. The hazard this time is the temperature. Due to the model wearing just shorts and a top, I will need to make sure the model does not get too cold and then falling ill.

How I will solve this hazard - Unlike me, the model will not be able to wrap up warm with lots of layers, she will just be in shorts in the middle of winter. To prevent the model getting cold and ill, I decided that we will keep having short breaks to go back inside to warm up and have a warm drink before carrying on. This should prevent the model becoming ill from the cold.

Overall, I feel that I have tackled every hazard that we might come across to obtain a photo shoot WITHOUT becoming ill because of the cold or falling and getting injured due to the wet weather. I will carefully Think about the weather and choose a day that will be best suited for this photo shoot.

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