Thursday 9 January 2014

Final Draft For Magazine Article

This is my final draft for my double page spread article. I created my double page spread article on pixlr  and keynote. Firstly, I added the image onto keynote and placed it on the left side, and then l added the giant letter P which I also decreased the opacity of. This way it enabled me to open this image on to pixlr and then add text to and the masthead, page numbers... I have changed a few things regarding my feedback from my target audience on my previous draft. One person said to make it look more professional, have three columns, so that is what I did and I feel that it has definitely worked.  I have also moved the quote so it is in the middle of the text, I did this because looking at other magazines I can see that this is a popular chosen place to put the quote, so I put it there to help the presentation of the article. The quote is in a red font which is a very noticeable colour, the colour is also the same colour as the models/artists lips which brings out the colour of her lips, this then draws attention to the image. I have once again kept the font the same for the masthead and page numbers to keep a consistency throughout as the house style is a very important technique that helps the magazine look professional and sophisticated. Lastly, I have kept with the same colour scheme on all three of my front cover, contents page and now double page spread article. The colour scheme is very important to help it look neat as if the magazine consisted of many different bright colours then it would prevent it looking neat and professional and it would make it look chaotic and messy. Overall, I feel that I have produced the best possible magazine article for my target that is also very beneficial for both me and my magazine.

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