Friday, 6 December 2013

Inspiration for Magazine Article

These magazine articles are very different but have unusual features that attract the readers attention. For example, on the first article, the masthead is in a white, big and bold font which makes it contrast with the background to therefore help it stand out to the reader. On the other hand, the images are what stands out the most on the other article which is not a bad thing as it also attracts the readers attention. The first article come across very gothy as if it belongs to a rock magazine, however, I like the layout as I feel that the mid shot and masthead font really portrays the music genre well. Although, I also like the layout of the other magazine article and the use of colour, and how the main full shot image is in colour yet the other smaller images are in black and white. Also the text and the use of a bright blue font on certain words to emphasise and portray what the article is about. I will take into consideration the different features on each of the magazine articles and the diferent layouts.

I created a magazine article based on Coldplay who are a well known band. I feel that my magazine article is plain yet effective, because, firstly, I have used the same font for the masthead as I have for the masthead on the front cover which keep the consistency throughout and creates a housestyle. Also, the full shot image which I have chosen fills half of the double page spread which therefore gains a lot of attention from the reader and makes them want to discover what the article is about. I have also used colour within the text, I put the quotation in a green font to make it stand out from all the rest of the text, then, the reader will want to read more about the article. I created  this double page spread on pixlr, an online photo editing website, and due to good outcome I wish to use pixlr for my final product to maintain a professional look.

Audience Feedback...

I made a questionnaire to ask questions on my attempt of a double page spread article. The feedback I got from my audience I will then take into consideration and use it to improve and focus on certain elements of my double page spread article, these improvements will help for my final draft of my article once my photos have been taken of a model. 

Paige Althorpe;

1. Does it catch your eye?
Yes, the image which covers half of the double page spread draws a lot of attention and really helps me feel engaged within the article.

2. If so, what stood out and what didn't?
The image and the choice of size and colour of the font on certain text, for instance the quotation is in a green font which helps it stand out to the reader.  however, it also benefits the presentation of the magazine article as in other magazines this is a common appearance for there to be a quote from the article written in a contrasting colour to engage the reader.

3. Is the subject clear?
It's very clear that the article is about Coldplay as the big, bold font for the masthead is at the top which attracts the reader straight away without doubt.

Looking at my audiences feedback I can take into consideration and focus on certain parts of the magazine article and improve to produce the best magazine article I can. 

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