Sunday, 19 January 2014
Evaluation 5: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I have decided that Bauer Media institution will distribute my music magazine. Due to their success, it operates in 16 countries worldwide, and therefore I feel that Bauer Media Group would be the ideal media institution to distribute my music magazine. Bauer Media Group compromises 300 magazines worldwide including some of the biggest selling music magazines such as, Q magazine and Kerrang! Considering Q is owned by this institution and how successful it has been with the indie rock music genre of the magazine, I feel that that is why my indie rock magazine would benefit from being distributed by Bauer Media Group.
On the other hand, my text is aimed at a mass audience. This is because firstly, it has a wide audience, so the target market is very broad. Also with really popular, well knows artists such as Lana del Ray and Lilly Allen included in the magazine or music genre; indie rock, the mass audience would even be interested in these features. So therefore, I have decided to aim my magazine to the mass audience rather than the niche audience as the mass market is the largest group of consumers for a specified industry product.
Also, looking at the nrs readerships,you can see that Q have a big audience and is a very successful magazine. Therefore, because Q are distributed by Bauer Media Group I feel that my music magazine would hopefully also become a huge success if it was distributed my the same media group.
Ideally, I would stock my music magazine in a recognised shop WHSmith as it is a very easily accessed shop. WHSmith shops appear in places a lot, for instance, you always see a WHSmith in airports and shopping centres. Having an easy access to WHSmith is a very good thing. However, if I decided to stock my music magazine in shops such as telco or asda, then you would have to go out to that certain shop to buy it, whereas, WHSmith appears in many shopping centres.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Final Draft For Magazine Article
This is my final draft for my double page spread article. I created my double page spread article on pixlr and keynote. Firstly, I added the image onto keynote and placed it on the left side, and then l added the giant letter P which I also decreased the opacity of. This way it enabled me to open this image on to pixlr and then add text to and the masthead, page numbers... I have changed a few things regarding my feedback from my target audience on my previous draft. One person said to make it look more professional, have three columns, so that is what I did and I feel that it has definitely worked. I have also moved the quote so it is in the middle of the text, I did this because looking at other magazines I can see that this is a popular chosen place to put the quote, so I put it there to help the presentation of the article. The quote is in a red font which is a very noticeable colour, the colour is also the same colour as the models/artists lips which brings out the colour of her lips, this then draws attention to the image. I have once again kept the font the same for the masthead and page numbers to keep a consistency throughout as the house style is a very important technique that helps the magazine look professional and sophisticated. Lastly, I have kept with the same colour scheme on all three of my front cover, contents page and now double page spread article. The colour scheme is very important to help it look neat as if the magazine consisted of many different bright colours then it would prevent it looking neat and professional and it would make it look chaotic and messy. Overall, I feel that I have produced the best possible magazine article for my target that is also very beneficial for both me and my magazine.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Interview Questions
I am interviewing Paige Althorpe about her thrilling past few weeks of a big leap that has changed her life. These are some of the questions I will be asking Paige in order to get information for my double page spread magazine article.
- When did you start singing?
- What experience did you have in singing before you got signed to EMI Record label?
- How did this all start?
- Is singing something you've always wanted to do?
- What made you want to post your video on youtube?
- How did all the comments make you feel?
- How did you react to that email?
- How has it changed your life?
Second Draft for Magazine Article
This is my second draft for my double page spread article. I have changed a few things, first things being the image, in my first draft the image is all in black and white, however, in my second draft I have used pixlr editor to make the background (brick wall) black and white but the model just the same and not in black and white. The use of this was to make the model/artist (Paige Althorpe) to stand out more as she contrasts with the plain wall. Taking into consideration the feedback from my questionnaire I created on my first draft for my article, they asked for a bti more colour to liven it up. Other than the image giving it more colour, I have also used the colour red, the colour red connotes many different feelings such as danger and love, however, it is also a very informing and alerting colour which catches the readers eye. The things I kept the same were the masthead and page number at the bottom left hand corner. The font for the masthead and page number is the same font used on my front cover and contents page also. Overall, the font helps keep a consistency throughout the magazine as the house style is very important to keep the magazine look professional that also engages the target audience.
I created a questionnaire to ask my target audience what they think of if, the feedback I will get back I will take into consideration and let it help me improve on my final draft. The two questions I asked were; what do you like about it? and what would you improve/change?
1. What do you like about it? I like the use of the red because it draws attention to the quote from the article and that quote is really intriguing.
2. What would you change/improve? I would make the text for the actual article neater as the second column looks bigger that the first which prevents it looking professional.
1. What do you like about it? I like the layout of the article and how the image is on one side and then the text on the other.
2. What would you improve/change? I would make the quote smaller as it might gain more attention than the title, and the title is important.
Final Draft For Contents Page
This is my final draft for my contents page and I feel that I have produced the best possible contents page suited for my target audience. Firstly, I have kept the masthead the same with the same font to keep it consistent throughout the magazine. However, I have changed the word "contents" to lower case as I feel now it connotes a very calm and relaxed atmosphere, whereas before it was very in your face and suited a more heavy metal, rock music genre and not indie rock. Secondly, I have reposition the images. The main images match with the two features on the right hand side, to make this clear I have used big, bold page numbers that contrast with the background. I have also overlapped the images to make it look more casual and independent instead of the bog standard list of images and text down each side of the page. I have also separated the contents page into two sections; 'features' and 'regulars'. The features contains articles such as the charts and interviews with celebrities... and the regulars include simple things every other music magazine may consist of; quizzes, fashion pages... etc. Lastly, like my front cover, I have used the colour scheme of white, black and red. I chose the red as I feel that it is a very alerting colour that draws the readers attention, However, I also chose red because whilst carrying out my questionnaires, the feedback I have gotten back from my target audience have made it clear that they wanted red for the same reasons I wanted to choose it. On the other hand.
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
First Draft For Magazine Article
This is my first draft for my music magazine double page spread article and overall I am very pleased with it. I did my article about a young teenager who became a big artists just over the internet by posting youtube videos, and how she progressed to be what she is now with her single "Fly With Me" at number 6 in the charts. I feel that this is a beneficial article for my target audience as most of my target audience are aged 16-24, at this age someone might be in the same situation Paige was in, this way it is giving them advice as well as telling them about Paige's intriguing story. I have also kept a consistency throughout this magazine on my front cover, contents page and now double page spread article, this is by using the same font for the masthead. The house style keeps it looking professional and sophisticated yet on the other hand, original. I have also used one whole side of the double page spread for the image, I did this because looking back at the feedback I got from my target audience in previous questionnaires, they specifically said that images draw a lot of attention and catch the readers eye as without them it would look boring. However, what my magazine article does lack is colour. In previous questionnaires a lot of the feedback mentioned the use of colour and how it livens it up. Therefore, colour will be one of the parts I change and focus on to improve and produce the best possible magazine double page spread article for my target audience. Secondly, I have also included a quote from the article which overlaps the image on the left. The quote reads 'I got signed with EMI record label within that week'. This quote is a very intriguing and interesting quote which should engage the reader. Lastly, I have also included the 'ir' at the bottom right hand corner, the 'ir' stand for indie rock. Indie rock is the masthead of the music magazine and by having the letters 'ir' repeated on every page whether it's small or big, it reminds the reader what magazine they are reading, it will also help for in the future as seeing the masthead over and over again will help my target audience remember it.
I have also compared my double page spread article to an article from the music magazine Q. Overall, they are both very similar as in the image filling the whole of the left page. On the other hand, the three columns of text in the article make and help it look more professional, this is one of the things in which my magazine article is lacking at the moment; professionalism.
Also, the Q magazine has made a use of colour, to do this they have overlapped a big letter 'L' which stands for Lady GaGa. The 'L' is in a bright red font which helps it stand out and look very alerting. The 'L' is also in a serif font, this font helps the magazine article look professional yet sophisticated as well.
I created a questionnaire to ask three people from my target audience two simple questions; what is good about it? and what would you change/improve? The feedback I get will help me improve on my next draft by changing specific parts to fulfil my target audiences needs.
1. What do you like about it? I like how it is very plain which helps it look professional and suit the genre.
2. What would you improve/change? Although it looks good plain I still feel that there should be a little bit of colour, whether it's the quote or the masthead.
1. What do you like about it? I like how the image takes up half of the magazine article as when i'm looking through magazines, images always stand out to me.
2. What would you improve/change? I would add more on to the article as at the moment it looks very plain and boring.
1. What do you like about it? I like how you've kept the font consistent throughout the front cover, contents page and magazine article as this helps it look professional and real. I also like the article, it's about a young girl which is very inspirational for young teens out there.
2. What would you improve/change? I would also add a bit more colour to it, maybe a red or orange to go with the orange colour in the edit on the image.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Final Draft For Front Cover
This is my final draft for my front cover. Not much has changed from my second draft as I feel that I have produced the best possible magazine front cover I can now. I have listened to my target audience and have included what they asked for, for instance, more images and the use of colour on specific text. Firstly, the parts I have changed are the positioning of the sticker, before hand it was quite low down which revealed a lot of free, blank space under the masthead, this in which made it look slightly plain and boring. However, after listening to my target audience I have moved it up slightly to cover that blank space so it now looks more professional. Secondly, the other part my target audience complained about was the text above the masthead. Before the text was in a big, hot pink font, my target audience said that the big, pink font almost taken away the attention given to the masthead. To solve this problem I have used a blue font as it is a much calmer colour unlike hot pink. I also have adjusted the size a little to make it smaller to prevent this problem from happening again. The reason why I chose a blue colour is because it connotes very calm things such as the sky, and the sea, however, this is very ironic since some indie rock songs are opposite to this calm feeling for example the song Somebody Told Me by The Killers. I have also kept the use of the red font the same as it was in my previous magazine front cover draft. This is because the questionnaire I made for my target audience gave positive feedback back regarding the red font and how it is very alerting and eye catching, so therefore, I kept it the same.
Second Draft For Contents Page
This is my second draft for my contents page and again like my front cover I feel that I have massively improved. Firstly, I have changed the masthead by adding a red background. The red background attracts the reader as the colour red is very alerting and eye catching, hence why my colour scheme is black, white and red. I have also included the letter 'ir' next to the masthead. 'ir' is written in a big, black, bold font and also stands for indie rock which is the masthead of the magazine, this is here simply to remind the reader what genre the magazine is and what magazine they are reading to hopefully then help them remember it for the future. Secondly, I have taken my target audiences advice and decided to have the image separated from the rest of the text. This is so we know that the image goes with the caption 'find out how paige made it to the top 10 so quickly! find out her secret'. The use of the image is to engage the reader, whereas, if it was just the caption with no image it would look boring and the reader are bound to just turn over the page and not read it. Lastly, The numbers of the pages are in a big font which is the same font as the masthead on both the front cover and the contents page, this is to keep a consistency throughout.
I created a questionnaire to get feedback from my target audience that would help me improve and/or change something on my contents page to produce the best possible magazine contents page for my target market. To do this I will also try and include everything they want for example, the use of different, bright colours and images. I asked three people from my target audience two questions; what do you like about it? and what would you change/improve?
1. What do you like about it? I like how you have used red lines to separate different sections, now it is easier to see what text the image goes with.
2. What would you change/improve? It still looks a bit plain, maybe add more information on it and more images.
1. What do you like about it? I like how you have put a thick red box at the top with the title written in it, this really helps it to stand out and engage whoever is reading it.
2. What would you change/improve? I would also add more text to make it look more busier.
1. What do you like about it? I like the use of the black, white and red as it links with your front cover, this also helps you keep a consistency throughout.
2. What would you change/improve? I would add more images, as seen in other music magazines on the contents page they have more than one photo.
I created a questionnaire to get feedback from my target audience that would help me improve and/or change something on my contents page to produce the best possible magazine contents page for my target market. To do this I will also try and include everything they want for example, the use of different, bright colours and images. I asked three people from my target audience two questions; what do you like about it? and what would you change/improve?
1. What do you like about it? I like how you have used red lines to separate different sections, now it is easier to see what text the image goes with.
2. What would you change/improve? It still looks a bit plain, maybe add more information on it and more images.
1. What do you like about it? I like how you have put a thick red box at the top with the title written in it, this really helps it to stand out and engage whoever is reading it.
2. What would you change/improve? I would also add more text to make it look more busier.
1. What do you like about it? I like the use of the black, white and red as it links with your front cover, this also helps you keep a consistency throughout.
2. What would you change/improve? I would add more images, as seen in other music magazines on the contents page they have more than one photo.
Second Draft For Front Cover
This is my second draft for my front cover, I feel that this is a massive improvement from my original draft. Firstly, I kept the masthead the same due to that being the first thing people look at so I need to make sure it is definitely going to engage them. Secondly, I made a lot of changes but not in what I wrote, but how and where I have put them. For instance, where it says 'free poster inside', is now inside a sticker to separate it from the other texts. I simply found the black sticker on google images and then opened up as a new image, shrunk it down and placed it on the left. The point of the sticker is so it contains significant information for the reader to easily see and read. On the other hand, I also put 'Paige Althorpe' written across her body. This is to let the reader know who she is and what the magazine consists of. I also made a use of the colour red to put emphasis on certain words. When I carried out that questionnaire regarding what to add to the front cover, contents page and double page spread, I had gotten feedback back saying if I was to use a certain colour for more emphasis on specific words or text, make it red. Red is a very alerting colour and connotes a variety of different feelings. Unlike in my first draft when I used blue, blue is a very calm and relaxing colour which would not make my target audience feel very alerted and notified by the front cover. However, I have only written certain words in red for example when it says 'win free tickets to see Lana Del Ray live' I put 'free', 'Lana Del Ray' and 'live' in a red font to highlight important words. Another example of the use of colour is the pink text at the top above the masthead. I decided to use hot pink as it separates it from the significant parts of text on the main image below the masthead. However, the use of pink quickly draws the readers attention to the 'new hot top 10' and 'free downloads', whether or not my target audience are interested, it is there; hard to miss and easy to read. lastly, I have again taken the target audiences advice and have added another image to liven up my front cover. They advised me to add more images to my front cover to make it more engaging and less boring.
I also made a questionnaire for my second draft in order to find out what I need to improve on and what I should keep the same. I asked two simple questions; what's good about it? and how should I improve? I also asked three people from my target market of all ages ranging from 16-40 in order to get different feedback from people different ages. As I will be making my final draft next for my front cover, I want to make sure the style and look is fulfilling my target audiences needs.
1. What do you like about it? I like how it's set out, it is definitely an improvement from the first draft, also the extra image allows more
2. What would you improve/change? Maybe add something under the title as it seems to be a bit bare in that area. Unless you move the sticker up a bit.
1. What do you like about it? I like the way you have overlapped the image with important text, it really engages me, especially the use of the red font.
2. What would you improve/change? I would change the size of the text above the title as to me it takes away the focus of the title itself.
1. What do you like about it? I like the way it is all set out and the choice of colour and size of font on specific words makes it look really professional.
2. What would you improve/change? However, I would also make the writing above the title smaller because at the moment it is taking all the attention off the title, and the title is important as it tells you what genre of music it is about.
I also made a questionnaire for my second draft in order to find out what I need to improve on and what I should keep the same. I asked two simple questions; what's good about it? and how should I improve? I also asked three people from my target market of all ages ranging from 16-40 in order to get different feedback from people different ages. As I will be making my final draft next for my front cover, I want to make sure the style and look is fulfilling my target audiences needs.
1. What do you like about it? I like how it's set out, it is definitely an improvement from the first draft, also the extra image allows more
2. What would you improve/change? Maybe add something under the title as it seems to be a bit bare in that area. Unless you move the sticker up a bit.
1. What do you like about it? I like the way you have overlapped the image with important text, it really engages me, especially the use of the red font.
2. What would you improve/change? I would change the size of the text above the title as to me it takes away the focus of the title itself.
1. What do you like about it? I like the way it is all set out and the choice of colour and size of font on specific words makes it look really professional.
2. What would you improve/change? However, I would also make the writing above the title smaller because at the moment it is taking all the attention off the title, and the title is important as it tells you what genre of music it is about.
First Draft For Contents Page
This is my first draft for my contents page that I produced on pixlr. Firstly. I chose this image as I like the effect I made on it, it's a sparkle effect which adds to it being unusual and individual like the music genre I have chosen; indie rock. The image is again very simple like the image I have chosen to use on the front cover. I kept the masthead in the same font and the rest of the information in the same font as the other text on the front cover also. This is to keep the house style consistent throughout so therefore, I will be using the same fonts on the double page spread article. I used a black font for the masthead as black is a very bold colour which will catch the readers eye, this will help them easily know what page they're on without searching for it, therefore, preventing difficulties for my target audience. However, on the other hand, I used a red font for the short snippets of information telling the reader what is on each page. I chose red because it is a very alerting colour hat connotes a variety of different feelings. Also looking at other music magazines, red seems to be a popular choice, for instance, Q use red a lot. I also included awareness of freebies on the contents page. This is written in a contrasting white colour font which is also slightly bigger than the rest. I did this due to a lot of people like getting free things such as posters of their favourite band or artists. I have also put the free poster on a page which is quite further back, this is because, to find the poster the reader will have to search for 'page 12' then will become engaged within appealing and interesting articles along the way.
I have compared my contents page to one of Q's contents pages. As you can see the main colour used is red so is obviously an eye catching colour. The difference is is that they have not used the image as the whole background, so I will place the picture on the page and leave white space to write, this will also prevent the text overlapping the image. The overlapping of the text over the main image will also cause troubles for the reader to read so I and the magazine will benefit form having blank space at the side of the main image. Also the bid, bold numbers on the images tell the reader what page to go to for that certain article. The number are also in different colours depending on the background, for instance if the backgrounds white the font is in black, and if the backgrounds black the font is white. Lastly there is also a red box going across the top which has the masthead write inside. The red box allows them to use a contrasting colour, in this case a black font, this all adds up to it gaining the readers attention which is very beneficial.
I created a questionnaire consisting of two simple questions asking what they liked about it and what they would improve. I asked three people of all ages from my target audience in order to receive feedback that will help me improve.
1. What did you like about it? I like the edit on the image as it is very unusual and I have never seen anything like that in a magazine before.
2. What would you improve? To improve I would perhaps use a white background like in the Q magazine contents page, this would help reading the text.
1. What did you like about it? I like the use of different colours
2. What would you improve? Maybe use more contrasting colours like pink to liven it up.
1. What did you like about it? I like how you have arranged it with the numbers in a bigger font to make them stand out more.
2. What would you improve? It's a bit confusing to see what section the image goes with I would make it clearer that it's meant to be with the 'exclusive interview' section.
I created a questionnaire consisting of two simple questions asking what they liked about it and what they would improve. I asked three people of all ages from my target audience in order to receive feedback that will help me improve.
1. What did you like about it? I like the edit on the image as it is very unusual and I have never seen anything like that in a magazine before.
2. What would you improve? To improve I would perhaps use a white background like in the Q magazine contents page, this would help reading the text.
1. What did you like about it? I like the use of different colours
2. What would you improve? Maybe use more contrasting colours like pink to liven it up.
1. What did you like about it? I like how you have arranged it with the numbers in a bigger font to make them stand out more.
2. What would you improve? It's a bit confusing to see what section the image goes with I would make it clearer that it's meant to be with the 'exclusive interview' section.
I have created a questionnaire to ask 2 people from my target audience both different ages what they would like to see on my music magazine. By doing this It will help me create the best possible music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread that will fulfil my target audiences needs.
Nathalie Wright:
1. Would you like to see a lot of significant information filling the front cover or would it help if it was more relaxed and not so much in-your-face? Obviously the magazine front cover should have lots of eye catching and interesting information on the front cover, however I don't think you should fill a lot of the space as that might make it hard for people to read and be engaged.
2. What sort of information would you like to see on the front cover (images, awareness about concerts and gigs...) On the front cover I definitely think you should include other images, perhaps one or two as this will give the us an idea of what to expect within the magazine. Also giving us awareness about free posters and tour dates inside are very engaging.
3. Other than white and black, what colours would you want to see on the front cover, contents page and double page spread article to feel more alerted about the information? I personally think that red is a good choice as it will contrast well with the white and black and is a very alerting, powerful colour that connotes many different feelings such as love and danger.
4. Overall, what are they key things that draw your attention to significant information? The colour and the size of the text is very important, also images really draw my attention to that specific section.
Leanne Payne:
1. Would you like to see a lot of significant information filling the front cover or would it help if it was more relaxed and not so much in-your-face? I think for your music genre, indie rock, it would help if it want too busy but had enough interesting information on it to prevent it being and looking boring.
2. What sort of information would you like to see on the front cover (images, awareness about concerts and gigs...) On the front cover I would like to see sections alerting the reader about competitions about winning tickets and interesting snippets about popular celebrities like Lana Del Ray.
3. Other than white and black, what colours would you want to see on the front cover, contents page and double page spread article to feel more alerted about the information? Again, I think red and pinks are very popular colours used on magazines, but avoiding this repetition you could perhaps try a bright blue, as blue is a very calm and relaxing colour, or maybe combine the two colours...
4. Overall, what are they key things that draw your attention to significant information? Images really help me feel engaged, if I see a photo of something or someone interesting I will end up reading about it which would benefit you a lot.
I asked 2 people from my target audience this simple questionnaire to get an idea of what to include on on front cover, contents page and double page spread article that will fulfil my target audiences needs. Both answers came back very similar so I felt that I have got all the information I need to satisfy my target audience and try and include everything that they requested to produce the best possible magazine front cover, contents and double page spread for my target audience.
Nathalie Wright:
1. Would you like to see a lot of significant information filling the front cover or would it help if it was more relaxed and not so much in-your-face? Obviously the magazine front cover should have lots of eye catching and interesting information on the front cover, however I don't think you should fill a lot of the space as that might make it hard for people to read and be engaged.
2. What sort of information would you like to see on the front cover (images, awareness about concerts and gigs...) On the front cover I definitely think you should include other images, perhaps one or two as this will give the us an idea of what to expect within the magazine. Also giving us awareness about free posters and tour dates inside are very engaging.
3. Other than white and black, what colours would you want to see on the front cover, contents page and double page spread article to feel more alerted about the information? I personally think that red is a good choice as it will contrast well with the white and black and is a very alerting, powerful colour that connotes many different feelings such as love and danger.
4. Overall, what are they key things that draw your attention to significant information? The colour and the size of the text is very important, also images really draw my attention to that specific section.
Leanne Payne:
1. Would you like to see a lot of significant information filling the front cover or would it help if it was more relaxed and not so much in-your-face? I think for your music genre, indie rock, it would help if it want too busy but had enough interesting information on it to prevent it being and looking boring.
2. What sort of information would you like to see on the front cover (images, awareness about concerts and gigs...) On the front cover I would like to see sections alerting the reader about competitions about winning tickets and interesting snippets about popular celebrities like Lana Del Ray.
3. Other than white and black, what colours would you want to see on the front cover, contents page and double page spread article to feel more alerted about the information? Again, I think red and pinks are very popular colours used on magazines, but avoiding this repetition you could perhaps try a bright blue, as blue is a very calm and relaxing colour, or maybe combine the two colours...
4. Overall, what are they key things that draw your attention to significant information? Images really help me feel engaged, if I see a photo of something or someone interesting I will end up reading about it which would benefit you a lot.
I asked 2 people from my target audience this simple questionnaire to get an idea of what to include on on front cover, contents page and double page spread article that will fulfil my target audiences needs. Both answers came back very similar so I felt that I have got all the information I need to satisfy my target audience and try and include everything that they requested to produce the best possible magazine front cover, contents and double page spread for my target audience.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
rock music magazine. I had taken the original image of Lana Del Ray from the internet, but the rest I edited on pixlr. Like I said pixlr is so easy to use and includes so many different editing tools such as airbrush, doodle, crop, healing spots and many more. It also allows me to add other images onto the existing image which benefited me a lot since I was producing a music magazine. By adding text on to the image was so clear and simple to do, you can easily change the size, colour and choose a font out of hundreds of different fonts. However, I kept my fonts very simple to keep the consistency of individuality throughout the magazine as this is what connects best with my music genre. The red sticker I also have on my magazine on the right was not made very easily but on the bright side looks effective. I made this sticker by simply adding a giant red dot on the page by using the doodle tool, then put text inside the sticker, this then helped my magazine draw more attention to that significant text.
I will continue to use pixlr for the drafts of my front cover, contents page and double page spread article for my music magazine as I feel that I and the magazine will benefit from using it, helping it become much easier quicker for me to use and get it done as I know what i'm doing.
First Draft For Front Cover
This is my first draft for my music magazine front cover. I decided to have this photo for my front cover out of the final three sure to it being very simple and individual which connected with the music genre; indie rock. I felt that the white background worked very well in how I can easily have the text contrasting with the background with a variety of different bright and bold colours. In this case I have used a bright, blue colour for some significant text on the front cover, the bright, blue colour allowed it to stand out and therefore catch the readers eye and engage them. The text at the bottom which reads 'page 12 and 13' is overlapping the image slightly, I did this on purpose to gain to more attention to that specific section. This will then hopefully make them notice it and want to turn to these pages to find out more. One of the advertisements I used is a free competition to win tickets to see Lana Del Ray live, Lana Del Ray is a very popular artist nowadays and giving my target audiences the chance to see her live for free should fully engage them as they won't want to miss out on this once in a lifetime offer. The masthead is in a big, black font at the top, I feel that the black contrasts really well against the white background therefore drawing more attention to it. However, not everything about this music magazine front cover it beneficial. from my target audiences opinions, I have gathered information on where I can massively improve and focus on certain areas. Nathalie Wright said "The magazine is very good and a lot stands out which is the main key for magazines, however, on the other hand, it is very simple and boring. Perhaps you could use a bit more colour to liven it up and fill in some of the gaps." I took advise from my audience and thought to improve I will use more colour, however, I don't want to use too many different contrasting colours that may confuse the reader and make my music magazine look too busy. I also feel that using too many various bright colours will also take away the vintage look, I want to pursue this as it connects well with my music genre; indie rock. Another point Nathalie made was about the blank spaces, to fill these I will add more images and more text to produce a front cover that engages the reader and makes them feel involved with numerous sections to look at and take in.
I looked at a music magazine that covers a range of music genres such as indie rock. The Q music magazine is very similar to mine as it's almost all black and white like the image I have, now I will just look at what Q have done to make it come across more lively and how they made significant texts stand out.
The use of colour is very important as the masthead is the only thing that really stands out by the use of colour. On the other hand they have also used a blue colour to highlight certain words such as 'beast', this may be because the word beast relates to the image of the black jaguars. Q have also used the colour ed to highlight certain words, for instance 'wicked' and 'exclusive', these are important words and draw the readers attention to that specific section. Lastly, they have written Lilly Allen across her body from one side of the front cover stretching out to the other side. This automatically tells the reader who it is in the image if they didn't already know, this benefits the magazine as Lilly Allen is a very big artist.
Overall, I will take into consideration some of the tactics Q have used to engage the reader, I will incorporate some of these into my second draft to hopefully produce a the best possible music magazine front cover that will fulfil my target audiences needs.
I made a questionnaire of two simple questions to get feedback on my first draft for my front cover of my magazine. I asked three people all ages to a range of feedback to help me improve.
1. What did you like about it? I like how the title really stands out and it is easy to tell what music genre it is.
2. What would you improve? Add more to it to fill the spaces, like more images, interesting snippets of information including things like tour dates and competitions.
1. What did you like about it? I liked how it is all set out, with the image and how everything goes well together. It looks really calm which suits your music genre.
2. What would you improve? I would try and add more to fill the spaces and also add a bit more colour, maybe red? as at the moment it look quite boring.
1. What did you like about it? I like how the colour of the text contrasts with the background, for instance, the blue on white and black on white; it really helps it stand out.
2. What would you improve? I would again add more in to fill the blank spaces by putting more short snippets of information.
I looked at a music magazine that covers a range of music genres such as indie rock. The Q music magazine is very similar to mine as it's almost all black and white like the image I have, now I will just look at what Q have done to make it come across more lively and how they made significant texts stand out.
The use of colour is very important as the masthead is the only thing that really stands out by the use of colour. On the other hand they have also used a blue colour to highlight certain words such as 'beast', this may be because the word beast relates to the image of the black jaguars. Q have also used the colour ed to highlight certain words, for instance 'wicked' and 'exclusive', these are important words and draw the readers attention to that specific section. Lastly, they have written Lilly Allen across her body from one side of the front cover stretching out to the other side. This automatically tells the reader who it is in the image if they didn't already know, this benefits the magazine as Lilly Allen is a very big artist.
Overall, I will take into consideration some of the tactics Q have used to engage the reader, I will incorporate some of these into my second draft to hopefully produce a the best possible music magazine front cover that will fulfil my target audiences needs.
I made a questionnaire of two simple questions to get feedback on my first draft for my front cover of my magazine. I asked three people all ages to a range of feedback to help me improve.
1. What did you like about it? I like how the title really stands out and it is easy to tell what music genre it is.
2. What would you improve? Add more to it to fill the spaces, like more images, interesting snippets of information including things like tour dates and competitions.
1. What did you like about it? I liked how it is all set out, with the image and how everything goes well together. It looks really calm which suits your music genre.
2. What would you improve? I would try and add more to fill the spaces and also add a bit more colour, maybe red? as at the moment it look quite boring.
1. What did you like about it? I like how the colour of the text contrasts with the background, for instance, the blue on white and black on white; it really helps it stand out.
2. What would you improve? I would again add more in to fill the blank spaces by putting more short snippets of information.
Friday, 3 January 2014
Risk Assessment For All Photos
I have created a rick assessment to prevent any hazards happening that could affect either myself or the model. There are two risks that I have found a way of getting round and solving them. I will not pursue the photo shoot with any risks so by preventing them causing hazards, I can now carry on and take the photos to then go on to produce my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.
Risk 1...
Risk - Myself and the model
Hazard - The hazard is the weather due to the photo shoot being outside. The reason why the weather is a risk hazard is due to it being very wet and cold recently. I don't want to take photos of the model when we could easily slip and injure ourselves.
How I will solve this hazard - to solve this hazard I will make sure that I take my photos on a day where the weather is not too bad, so it is not raining, windy or too cold to be outside. By preventing this hazard I am also preventing any injuries that could have taken place.
Rick 2...
Rick - The model
Hazard - This risk is similar to the first risk as it involves just the model not me this time, and the weather. The hazard this time is the temperature. Due to the model wearing just shorts and a top, I will need to make sure the model does not get too cold and then falling ill.
How I will solve this hazard - Unlike me, the model will not be able to wrap up warm with lots of layers, she will just be in shorts in the middle of winter. To prevent the model getting cold and ill, I decided that we will keep having short breaks to go back inside to warm up and have a warm drink before carrying on. This should prevent the model becoming ill from the cold.
Overall, I feel that I have tackled every hazard that we might come across to obtain a photo shoot WITHOUT becoming ill because of the cold or falling and getting injured due to the wet weather. I will carefully Think about the weather and choose a day that will be best suited for this photo shoot.
Risk 1...
Risk - Myself and the model
Hazard - The hazard is the weather due to the photo shoot being outside. The reason why the weather is a risk hazard is due to it being very wet and cold recently. I don't want to take photos of the model when we could easily slip and injure ourselves.
How I will solve this hazard - to solve this hazard I will make sure that I take my photos on a day where the weather is not too bad, so it is not raining, windy or too cold to be outside. By preventing this hazard I am also preventing any injuries that could have taken place.
Rick 2...
Rick - The model
Hazard - This risk is similar to the first risk as it involves just the model not me this time, and the weather. The hazard this time is the temperature. Due to the model wearing just shorts and a top, I will need to make sure the model does not get too cold and then falling ill.
How I will solve this hazard - Unlike me, the model will not be able to wrap up warm with lots of layers, she will just be in shorts in the middle of winter. To prevent the model getting cold and ill, I decided that we will keep having short breaks to go back inside to warm up and have a warm drink before carrying on. This should prevent the model becoming ill from the cold.
Overall, I feel that I have tackled every hazard that we might come across to obtain a photo shoot WITHOUT becoming ill because of the cold or falling and getting injured due to the wet weather. I will carefully Think about the weather and choose a day that will be best suited for this photo shoot.
Chosen Photos
These are the photos I have chosen out of that section of 15 in my previous blog post;
This is why i decided to have these photos...
This is why i decided to have these photos...
Thursday, 2 January 2014
I decided to take my photos indoors and outdoors. I researched on google where good places would be to take photos for a indie rock music magazine and I did not get much grief, so decided keep it simple and unique. Most photos of models or celebrities in magazines are taken in a studio with the same plain white wall. I decided to be different and try the outdoors to make it different which matched the independent music genre; indie rock, so therefore, felt that it my destination fitted very well with my genre.
The first place I decided to try was outside in front of a white brick wall. This white brick conveys a very calm atmosphere which is good for my target audience because I don't want the image to take away the interest in what else is written on the page. The white colour is also very good as it will benefit my magazine front cover by allowing me to have the text in a contrasting colour, for example red, pink, or any bright colour as this will catch the readers eye. The white brick wall was easy to take photos in front of as there was lots of room. I feel that this place/background could be used for my contents page.
This is my second place where I chose to take photos of the model. This is similar to the first place as it is a brown brick wall which I felt looked very indie rock and fitted in well. Unlike the first place, this brown wall added colour and a bit more life into the photo, therefore, drawing more attention to the image which will benefit my magazine a lot. On the other hand, with the text on top of the brick wall it might look too messy and unprofessional, however, I will experiment with this later on. On the down side, this photo was down a alley, preventing me to take photos straight on like in the previous photo against the white brick wall.
Overall, these are the two locations I decided that are conventional for my genre of music, for instance, it is very unique and unlike most white background photos. On the other hand it will will also help my magazine look very professional.
The first place I decided to try was outside in front of a white brick wall. This white brick conveys a very calm atmosphere which is good for my target audience because I don't want the image to take away the interest in what else is written on the page. The white colour is also very good as it will benefit my magazine front cover by allowing me to have the text in a contrasting colour, for example red, pink, or any bright colour as this will catch the readers eye. The white brick wall was easy to take photos in front of as there was lots of room. I feel that this place/background could be used for my contents page.
This is my second place where I chose to take photos of the model. This is similar to the first place as it is a brown brick wall which I felt looked very indie rock and fitted in well. Unlike the first place, this brown wall added colour and a bit more life into the photo, therefore, drawing more attention to the image which will benefit my magazine a lot. On the other hand, with the text on top of the brick wall it might look too messy and unprofessional, however, I will experiment with this later on. On the down side, this photo was down a alley, preventing me to take photos straight on like in the previous photo against the white brick wall.
Overall, these are the two locations I decided that are conventional for my genre of music, for instance, it is very unique and unlike most white background photos. On the other hand it will will also help my magazine look very professional.
Audience Pleasures and Socio-economic Group
Audience pleasures carefully look the type of audience so focusing on age, gender, lifestyle, interests, socio-economic group and ethnicity of people. Audience pleasures are what fulfil the audiences needs, therefore what the audience look for in how the magazine is presented. On the other hand it is also how the audience spend their free time and what their hobbies are, for instance if they like to go to concerts and gigs. Also, it is what the magazine thinks the audience wants, for example, if they like concerts and gigs, there could be a short advertisement offering free tickets to a concert.
It is important to convince my target audience that they want the magazine is simply because I will want them to buy it. However, when it comes to magazine they do 'judge the book by it's cover'. After concisely taken in and focussed on the age, gender, lifestyle, interests, socio-economic group and ethnicity of my target audience I can start to take into consideration what needs to be on my magazine to engage the reader. For instance, if they like to go to concerts then I will include advertisements for competitions to win tickets to see their favourite artist/band live.
These are some of the techniques magazines include to persuade you to buy them;
-Who's on the front cover - celebrity - are they well known?
-Freebies (CD, downloads, posters, competitions)
-Information (tour dates, interviews)
-How does it look - it's features
-Specific language - how the magazine speaks to the reader (personal pronouns...)
-Colloquial - your own - slang
-Semantic field of music
-humour entertainment
These are some of the important elements to focus on whilst producing my magazine as I want to fulfil my target audiences needs, by proceeding this I will need to take into consideration these different techniques to make sure theres a wide range of different parts to look at that will engage the audience.
The socio-aconomic group is how different people are categorised depending on their income and occupation. For instance;
Upper middle class A - landed gentry, a business owner, chef, archbishops...
Middle class B - professional working people; heads and teachers, high up army...
Lower middle class C1 - professional admin workers, junior managers, supervisors...
Skilled working class C2 - plumber, carpenter, mechanic...
Working class D - unskilled worker...
Subsistence level E - Unemployed and students...
However, I strongly disagree with how and where people have been ranked depending on their occupation and income. I feel that there are many more people that should be put in the upper middle class who perhaps don't earn as much as people like business owners, but do a lot more for the country, people like soldiers fighting for their lives in the army. On the other hand, I also think that people in the skilled working class category should most definitely be higher up, as without plumbers, carpenters and mechanics we would all struggle in life because there wouldn't be anyone there to help. Another argument is about the business owners being at the top, earning a lot more than others. The 'others' may be people such as the people who work for that business, these people are working much harder yet earning no where near as much as the business owner. I feel that this is selfish as overall, I don't think it's fair for people to be seen as 'better' than others as categorising people defeats the idea of living in an equal world.
It is important to convince my target audience that they want the magazine is simply because I will want them to buy it. However, when it comes to magazine they do 'judge the book by it's cover'. After concisely taken in and focussed on the age, gender, lifestyle, interests, socio-economic group and ethnicity of my target audience I can start to take into consideration what needs to be on my magazine to engage the reader. For instance, if they like to go to concerts then I will include advertisements for competitions to win tickets to see their favourite artist/band live.
These are some of the techniques magazines include to persuade you to buy them;
-Who's on the front cover - celebrity - are they well known?
-Freebies (CD, downloads, posters, competitions)
-Information (tour dates, interviews)
-How does it look - it's features
-Specific language - how the magazine speaks to the reader (personal pronouns...)
-Colloquial - your own - slang
-Semantic field of music
-humour entertainment
These are some of the important elements to focus on whilst producing my magazine as I want to fulfil my target audiences needs, by proceeding this I will need to take into consideration these different techniques to make sure theres a wide range of different parts to look at that will engage the audience.
The socio-aconomic group is how different people are categorised depending on their income and occupation. For instance;
Upper middle class A - landed gentry, a business owner, chef, archbishops...
Middle class B - professional working people; heads and teachers, high up army...
Lower middle class C1 - professional admin workers, junior managers, supervisors...
Skilled working class C2 - plumber, carpenter, mechanic...
Working class D - unskilled worker...
Subsistence level E - Unemployed and students...
However, I strongly disagree with how and where people have been ranked depending on their occupation and income. I feel that there are many more people that should be put in the upper middle class who perhaps don't earn as much as people like business owners, but do a lot more for the country, people like soldiers fighting for their lives in the army. On the other hand, I also think that people in the skilled working class category should most definitely be higher up, as without plumbers, carpenters and mechanics we would all struggle in life because there wouldn't be anyone there to help. Another argument is about the business owners being at the top, earning a lot more than others. The 'others' may be people such as the people who work for that business, these people are working much harder yet earning no where near as much as the business owner. I feel that this is selfish as overall, I don't think it's fair for people to be seen as 'better' than others as categorising people defeats the idea of living in an equal world.
First Photographs
These are a few of the photos that I had taken on my iPhone 5. I narrowed them down to my favourite 15 and from here I wish to pick the ones that I think will benefit my magazine very well. The photos consist of different locations and all sorts of various poses. Most of the poses are very natural, for instance, either leaning against a wall with the arms just down by the side or facing slightly towards the back with the head facing the front, both poses also with a blank, neutral facial expression. These simple and plain poses and facial expressions create a calm atmosphere for the reader as neither is the image very in-your-face or off putting. To pursue this look, I requested the model wore something very plain and not colourful, so therefore resulted in the model wearing black shorts, a white and black baseball top and in some cases red lipstick and a red bandana to add a slight bit of colour.
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