Thursday 24 October 2013


An ideology is a belief. Every musical genre has an accompanying ideology, often genres divide along binary oppositons or a dichotomy. For example, the two music genres Pop and Rock both have a different ideology. Pop is quite happy and calm whereas rock is the complete opposite, aggresive and loud. The ideology of the genre affects all aspects of it's representation. Music magazine's will reflect the ideology of their genre in visual style and language.

The ideology of the "Top of the Pops magazine":

  • Girly
  • Bright colours
  • Pop music artists
  • Pinks
  • Beauty products
  • Justin Bieber
  • Friendly
  • Clean
  • Young audience
  • Pop music
  • Happy/smiling on the front cover

The ideology of the magazine "Kerrang!":
  • Blacks
  • Dull
  • Not happy/no smiling on front cover
  • Rock music
  • Older audience
  • Paramore
"Top of the Pops" is a typical pop music magazine in comparison to "Kerrang!" which is a rock magazine. "Top of the Pops" is very girly and uses a lot of bright colours and pinks which have various connotations such as purity, femininity, an friendly, whereas, "Kerrang!" connate different meanings, for example, "Kerrang!" is more masculine, authentic, sexist, loud and aggressive. Although both magazines are very different and almost complete opposites, they both stand out to the audience and have different features that catch the readers eye.

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