Friday, 6 December 2013

Inspiration for Magazine Article

These magazine articles are very different but have unusual features that attract the readers attention. For example, on the first article, the masthead is in a white, big and bold font which makes it contrast with the background to therefore help it stand out to the reader. On the other hand, the images are what stands out the most on the other article which is not a bad thing as it also attracts the readers attention. The first article come across very gothy as if it belongs to a rock magazine, however, I like the layout as I feel that the mid shot and masthead font really portrays the music genre well. Although, I also like the layout of the other magazine article and the use of colour, and how the main full shot image is in colour yet the other smaller images are in black and white. Also the text and the use of a bright blue font on certain words to emphasise and portray what the article is about. I will take into consideration the different features on each of the magazine articles and the diferent layouts.

I created a magazine article based on Coldplay who are a well known band. I feel that my magazine article is plain yet effective, because, firstly, I have used the same font for the masthead as I have for the masthead on the front cover which keep the consistency throughout and creates a housestyle. Also, the full shot image which I have chosen fills half of the double page spread which therefore gains a lot of attention from the reader and makes them want to discover what the article is about. I have also used colour within the text, I put the quotation in a green font to make it stand out from all the rest of the text, then, the reader will want to read more about the article. I created  this double page spread on pixlr, an online photo editing website, and due to good outcome I wish to use pixlr for my final product to maintain a professional look.

Audience Feedback...

I made a questionnaire to ask questions on my attempt of a double page spread article. The feedback I got from my audience I will then take into consideration and use it to improve and focus on certain elements of my double page spread article, these improvements will help for my final draft of my article once my photos have been taken of a model. 

Paige Althorpe;

1. Does it catch your eye?
Yes, the image which covers half of the double page spread draws a lot of attention and really helps me feel engaged within the article.

2. If so, what stood out and what didn't?
The image and the choice of size and colour of the font on certain text, for instance the quotation is in a green font which helps it stand out to the reader.  however, it also benefits the presentation of the magazine article as in other magazines this is a common appearance for there to be a quote from the article written in a contrasting colour to engage the reader.

3. Is the subject clear?
It's very clear that the article is about Coldplay as the big, bold font for the masthead is at the top which attracts the reader straight away without doubt.

Looking at my audiences feedback I can take into consideration and focus on certain parts of the magazine article and improve to produce the best magazine article I can. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Inspiration For Front Cover

These music magazine front covers inspire me in order to create my final piece as good as these with similar features. Q music magazine cover most genres of music including indie rock, for instance when they have Florence on the front cover. I prefer how the Q magazine has lots of features on it which makes it look very busy therefore creating multiple things for the reader to look at. However, on the other hand, I also like how the 'indie' music magazine created a very vintage look. I also like how the font which 'may I shoot you?' is written in is in a handwriting font which makes the magazine look very personal which also links to the music genre as indie rock music is a very independant style of music. Although, I dislike how the masthead does not contast with the background and instead blends in, this does not make the mashead stand out in order to gain the readers attention. Therefore I will combine the different features from both music magazines to fullfill the readers satisfaction, by having the very vintage and retro look but by also having many features such as a bold masthead, sell lines, images and many more to create the right indie rock music magazine that will be best suited for my target audience.

I had a go at creating an indie rock music magazine using a well known artists such as Lana Del Ray. The image is almost a full length shot just cutting off her feet. Lana Del Ray is a big artist and has had many releases. She is also an artist everyone will recognise as soon as they look at the front cover. I have got the image overlapping the masthead which draws more attention to the image therefore, catching the readers eye. I have also used smaller images to go with the short snippets of information on the front cover. These will help draw the readers attention to that certain part of the front cover which would then make them want to read more about the article. I have also used different sized fonts. The bigger the font the more attention that certain section of information is going to get. For example "The New Top 10" is in a big font which engages the reader, therefore, they will read further. The masthead is also in a big, bold, sans serif font at the top, this is there as it will be one of the first things the reader looks a. I have also used colours that contrast with the background, so white's and pinks against the dull background to make it stand out.
I also created this music magazine front cover on pixlr, an online photo editing software. I started of with a plain, almost full length photo of Lana Del Ray with lots of free space around her to add short snippets and the masthead. I added the masthead in a sans serif, white font that contrasts with the background to make it stand out more. I also used a tool on pixlr to make the image of Lana Del Ray to overlap the masthead, so it therefore, draws ore attention to the main image of Lana Del Ray. Lastly, I added the short snippets of information and images round the sides of the main image to finish my front cover.

Audience Feedback

Since this is just an idea of what my actual music magazine front cover will look like, I thought I would make a questionnaire to help me get an idea of the different sections I need to focus and improve on to succeed in fullfilling my target audiences needs.

Paige Althorpe (aged 16):

1. What genre would you say this music magazine is?
Indie rock

2. What do you like about it?
How the titles and headings are different colours to almost make the more important ones stand out the most.

3. What would you change about it?
Perhaps have a heading on the other side to separate them more.

Nathalie Wright (aged 16):

1. What genre would you say this music magazine is?
Indie rock

2. What do you like about it?
How the main image overlapps the title so it then draws more attention to the artist featured on the front.

3. What would you change about it?
Maybe use brighter, more in your face colours to make the small snippets of information stand out and catch the readers eye more.

Leanne Payne (aged 18):

1. What genre would you say this music magazine is?
Indie Rock

2. What do you like about it?
I like how it's all set out and the way the more alluring snippets of information are in a bright red or pink professional looking sans serif font. I also like how the main image overlaps the masthead as it really engages the reader.

3. What would you change about it?

 Overall, once I have taken my final photos, I will proceed to make my music magazine front cover including the feedback I have gotten from my target audience to fullfill my target audience's needs.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Inspiration For Music Magazine Front Cover Image

This is inspiration for my magazine front cover image. I want my magazine front cover to look very retro but professional. As my music genre is indie rock, it needs an individual style to it to make it stand out from the obvious pop, hip hop or rock. I will take these images into consideration when thinking about my destination where I will take my photo's for my front cover.

Active vs. Passive Audience Theory

An active audience is one that actively engages with the text, they do not simply accept every media message. They question what they see and are influenced by such things as family background, beliefs, values, culture, interests, experiences and education. 
However, a passive audience does not actively engage with a media text. A passive audience is one that does not question the message that the media is sending and simply accepts the message in the way the media outlet intended. 
I would prefer my target audience to be active as they would be actively engaged and has their own individual view on the media texts and are influenced by cultures, interests, education or experiences... etc. However, I would like my target audience to be passive so they're not actively engaged with a media text and does not have question the media and simply accept it.

The Hypodermic needle or Bullet theory was developed in the 1930’s by researchers interested in explaining the effects of mass media consumption and propaganda in World War 1. The Nazi parties believed the media was highly influential, and so as one of their most effective methods of gaining support, seemingly converted a whole population to supporting Hitler’s rule through the use of Radio broadcasts. The theory claims that audiences are passive and homogenous – that is, each consumer wholly accepts the messages presented by the media in their intended form; each message presented by the media is blindly accepted regardless of individual differences. It is a closed text communication theory, suggesting that messages flow in a linear fashion from the sender to the receiver, with no interference. A limitation of this theory however, is that it suggests no person possesses differences in opinion at all. There is no room for subjective interpretation and it could be argued that if this theory were correct, society would be a group of people with exactly the same beliefs, whereas it is obvious that subjective interpretations exist.

In contrast to the Bullet/Hypodermic Needle Theory, the uses and Gratification theory assumes audience members are active. Developed in the 1940’s by Paul Lazarfeld, in response to growing criticism of the two-dimensional nature of the Bullet theory, claims that texts are open (to interpretation) and that consumers have power over the media, rather than the media having power over them. This 'bottom up' theory suggests that people are responsible for picking and choosing which media content they consume, and if/in which way they may be influenced by it. Just as the name suggests, each person has the power to decide which media texts they will consume for their own self ‘gratification’ or satisfaction. An example of this is how many television programs are axed even after only a few screenings of episodes, if the ratings or circulation statistics are low. Therefore, society is in control of the media they consume. Audience members may stop consuming particular media texts by simply switching the television off etc. However, the flaw of this theory is that it assumes the media has little to no influence whatsoever on the individual.

Different readings;

  • Preferred reading/dominant reading where it is the 'intended' reading of the text.
  • Oppositional reading where you dislike or disagree with the preferred reading.
  • Negotiated reading where you dislike and like different aspects.
  • Aberrant reading where you don't understand/misinterpret.
Therefore, when view the media you fall into one of these reading categories depending on your views and opinions on it. 

Mass Media

Mass Media is where some people are 'opinion leaders' who influence others.

This is a two step flow diagram to show how mass media works;

The two step diagram shows that an opinion on something or someone starts off made from the 'opinion leader' which then spreads to an individual who is in social contact with the opinion leader. In my opinion I feel that people should not follow others and that everyone should have their own opinion on something or someone. On the other hand, you shouldn't follow the crowd to fit in, you aren't going to be an individual if you don't have your own opinions and thoughts on life, in other words, you can't rely on someone else's. 

Another example of this is Social Media which is also influenced by the two step flow. In the past, the opinion leader would have been in your situated culture, so someone you are in direct contact with. Nowadays, through blogs, twitter, Facebook etc, it might be someone in your mediated culture, so someone you 'know' through the media. In other words if you see your role model, Beyonce, Kendall Jenner or any other celebrity tweet or publish something through the media, then you all of a sudden believe and agree with them and spread it. Fair enough if you're a big fan of someone famous and you agree with what they have to say, I still feel that everyone should opinionative within themselves and not influenced by others.