Thursday, 26 September 2013

Comparing Magazine Front Covers

My magazine front cover is a good example as the masthead is big so therefore will catch the readers eye and will be the first thing they look at. I also used colours that stand out for example red on white, white on red and black on white, these also help the writing to become clearer for the reader to see. I also used a serif font to make it look more formal and therefore it will have a wider audience as students might want to read it, however, the parents might also want to read it because of it's formality.

Comparing both magazines you can see that mine is quite plain which shows that it is professional and suitable for all ages. My magazine also sticks with the school colour scheme; red, white and black, this implies that although it is quite blank and simple, it might have a wider audience so it can be for any gender or age.

Disecting School Magazines

This is a good example of a magazine front cover as the masthead is very big and bold so therefore it will catch the readers eye. The colours on this front cover are a good choice as the dark red background makes the white writing really stand out and catch the readers eye, which will then make the reader want to read further. However, at the bottom it says what's on each page, this should be on the contents page and on the front should only be short interestig snippets of what is inside.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

AS Media Introduction

I will use this student blog to upload coursework that is produced over the next year. I will keep my blog up to date with images and work by regularly updating it. 
AS includes;
  • Technical aspects and analysis of moving image (TV drama)
  • A case study of media audiences and institutions for film
  • A piece of practical coursework creating pages for a magazine, such as school magazines and music magazines. All coursework will be uploaded to my blog.

The first thing we are doing is creating a school magazine where we are focussing on;
  • Images, in our case mid shots.
  • Eye catching titles.
  • Snippets of news that make it catch the readers eye.
  • Different fonts.
... these things will help my magazine look professional and make it stand out from all the rest.